1、The wretched minister!

2、An: Oh, wretched woman!

3、Richard's wretched ratchet wrench.

4、Its financial condition was wretched.

5、You are so wretched now.

6、You look wretched—what's wrong?

7、It is a wretched life for you.

8、What wretched errors hath my heart committed!

9、This is a wretched beginning indeed!

10、Is it that wretched woman again?

11、Automatic link establishment in asymmetrically wretched channels

12、But I knew not — I was afraid of doing too much. Wretched, wretched, mistake!

13、In that case, my lot would become unspeakably wretched.

14、The wretched butcher clutched the needle and stitched it clumsily.

15、It is poverty and pollution and wretched self-complacency.

16、I never saw a man in so wretched a condition.

17、It is all poverty and pollution and wretched self-complacency!

18、But then again you know you see hundreds of thousands of people still living in - I can't think of any other word but wretched - wretched camps under tents.

19、Come and watch by the dead, and all the wretched family will be grateful to you.

20、Their wretched life constitutes a sharp contrast to the luxury of the rich.

21、The Ocean, that hospitable friend to the wretched, opened her capacious arms to receive Jones.

22、The wretched peasant who has just died is better off than I am.

23、Here, in the wretched room, her father's moaning was the dominant note and seemed irrefutable.

24、Now that the jumpsuit has become ubiquitous, women spend even longer in the bathroom wrestling with these wretched garments.

25、I always come home frightfully worried and wretched if I have sent somebody to prison or to a detention centre.

26、Most of the counties and cities on America’s southern border are poor, with correspondingly wretched schooling and health care.

27、At the very least, you'll take your drab, wretched life a little less seriously, at least for one day.

28、You have made me miserable and wretched, because I have made a vow to the LORD that I cannot break.

29、Fred felt that he made a wretched figure as a fellow who bragged about expectations from a queer old miser like Feather-Stone.

30、Throughout 2010 inflation ran at or above 3%. That is a pretty dismal record, but it will get even more wretched this year as inflation heads above 4%.