1、tack to port/starboard

2、a preemptive at tack

3、Cisco took a different tack.

4、Procrastinators often follow exactly the wrong tack.

5、So Walsh's team took a new tack.

6、Mrs.Stevenson always looks sharp as a tack.

7、be on the right/wrong tack

8、tack a ribbon on to a hat

9、The tack of a sailing vessel with the wind abeam.

10、But the Swiss giant has suddenly changed tack.

11、Pull it off, put tack and paper in vest pocket.

12、PHP Designer takes a different tack from the other IDEs.

13、This here crew is on a wrong tack, I do believe.

14、He speculates that the next America's Cup victor might tack more sharply using a bumpy rudder.

15、Many schools continue to charge admission, or tack on fees for everything from pencils to exams.

16、A perennial also-ran in the search business, is taking a new tack.

17、Use a thumb-tack to attach a length of ribbon to the ceiling over your bed or chair.

18、Thompson took a different - and generally more successful - tack, delivering an announcement speech that was built on a thematic framework.

19、The effects of propdrtion of soft and hard monomer, the content of functional monomer and emulsifier on the viscosity, ball tack and hold tack, peeling strength of adhesives were discussed.

20、This product is a specialized polyolefin mesh that is coated with a high tack residue-free adhesive on both sides.

21、Tacky inks print sharp lines and half-tones but causes picking if the paper surface is not strong enough. Tack can be measured by using instrument called "tack meter".

22、Yet that is one tack James Woolsey is trying in order to reduce his country’s dependence on imported oil.

23、Recently the Web site the Politico asked Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of the House, why she was blocking attempts to tack offshore drilling amendments onto appropriations bills.

24、I first tack weld it at several places, then I go around it with the first weld to secure the base firmly.

25、The problems of influences of edge displacement disturbance, tack weld disturbance and high arc temperature on the sensor have been solved.

26、It is still possible that new developments could lead Google to shift tack or shelve plans for the storage offering in the coming months.

27、But the potential backers of such projects are in shock after an abrupt change of tack by the Spanish government, which has slashed subsidies for windmills and solar panels.

28、Those wary of regulation's efficacy, however, should be pleased that the debate is now shifting to another tack-making credible the threat that next time, Banks will be allowed to fail.

29、Cut the interfacings and stay from sew-in interfacing. Trim away the seam allowance at the shoulder and dart taking up area. Fuse of tack the interfacings to the underlinings.