1、automatic fire department notification

2、Improved notification events.

3、caller notification packet

4、documentary credit amendment notification

5、period for reply to notification

6、Send newsgroup notification by mail

7、Workflow notification mail (document reassignment)

8、"Seconds between power failure and first notification:

9、Update notification class content formatter argument value

10、2. Period covered by the notification

11、Notification Broker: Does not create notification messages, but manages the notification process on behalf of one or more publishers.

12、Delete Add notification class content formatter argument

13、Can your system support email notification?

14、The notification broker sends these timer notification messages to the timer service.

15、Notification via a notification of the state of a required device.

16、We'll learn how to post a new notification, how to observe a notification and how to pass data through the notification Center.

17、Notification service receives notification requests and USES a set of rules to dispatch the notification (e.g., email gateway, pager gateway, enterprise management solution).

18、Initially notification will be based on JMS publication of events.

19、Entering a non-numeric value should cause an error notification.

20、Publisher: an entity that creates notification message instances.

21、On Android, disable notification in an app's Settings menu, or long-press the notification itself and select the "I" icon.

22、The generated code provides notification, and referential integrity.

23、It will have a topic indicating it's an email notification.

24、The adjuster in the JK insurance scenario subscribes to Intelligent notification Services and requests notification when an insurance claim is filed in his or her name.

25、This preliminary notification should state clearly that the notification is provided for information only and without the responsibility oif the Advising Bank.

26、Where a longer period is specified in the notification, the denunciation takes effect upon the expiration of such longer period after the notification is received by the depositary.

27、Only registered users may receive email notification, and they can set whether they want to receive email notification by default by editing their options.

28、In the interruptible load management, customers shortage cost could be significantly reduced by early notification.

29、The extended stored procedure parameters for the notification routine were not loaded.

30、Upon maturity, I sent a routine notification to his forwarding address but got no reply.