1、the historical milieu

2、You live in their milieu?

3、Juste-milieu is the topmost aesthetic ideals.

4、Cyclohexanes and Alkylbenzenes are rarely formed in oxidizing milieu.

5、He also Shared stories that reflected his social milieu.

6、All of a sudden you move outside the mainstream milieu.

7、If you could choose to be an artist working in any milieu in any country at any period in history other than today, what would that milieu be?

8、Sublimity means being at a high milieu, noble quality, elegant style and products of high quality.

9、Study on the double CT perfusion imaging in the diagnosis of milieu pulmonary cancer

10、Constructing harmonious healthy family social milieu to establish good education environment.

11、Values Definition of Private International Law in the milieu of the Internet;

12、Foods usually provide a good milieu for the persistence of viruses.

13、The project proceeds in complicated nature with so ci al milieu, suffering the influence of numerous factors.

14、The narrative would have more tension if they didn't appear so comfortably padded in a Nancy Meyers–like milieu.

15、The horrifying reality menacingly produce a feeling that the milieu is so bleak, plunging me into endless loneliness.

16、Culture shock: a condition of confusion and anxiety affecting a person suddenly exposed to an alien culture or milieu.

17、And that behind them the primary hope for a normal, self-growth-promoting milieu is still alive.

18、Plato's mathematical entity, Aristotle's essential entity, René Descartes' atom for his viewpoint of mechanics, Ostwald's energy, and Bernard's internal milieu were all the explanations for the eternal entity.

19、Likewise, the various microbial pathogens that invade our bodies and cause infectious disease interact with this complex 3-D tissue milieu.

20、"There was no exposure to the outside world, " he said, describing the insularity of that milieu. "You break the rules, you're out.

21、In our patient, these factors were combined with another possible trigger - an insect bite, generating an inflammatory milieu from which MCC could have derived.

22、Ideas and concepts, even paradigms, come to fruition because of their social and historical milieu, as Merton and others have so aptly shown.

23、This study, based on perceptions of innovation and collective learning, and a case study of Yingo's ceramic industry, proposes the construction of an innovative milieu and strategies for promoting cultural industry development.

24、The folklore justification of such texts is that they are variable from region to region and generation to generation, and that they originate in an unself-conscious folk milieu rather than from a sophisticated artistic background.

25、The shock and awe which I felt while reading entire sections of Blood Meridian fit entirely into the milieu of my home life with the arrival of our squalling, sleepless baby boy.

26、But the Egypt in which he had grown up, the milieu of the country's multi-ethnic urban elite, was fast disappearing; the summer of 1959 was the last Moreno would see of it.

27、A comparison of the writing backgrounds and frameworks between Survey of Chinese Music History and Draft of Chinese Music History reveals the effects and constraints from Yang Yinliu's scholarship and the social milieu in different period or academic stage of his, upon the scope of his thinking,.