1、programmable interval timer

2、automatic reset timer

3、So, turn on this timer.

4、Set the kitchen timer going.

5、Turn this on, the timer.

6、Do you use a timer?

7、You stop the retransmission timer by removing the timer from the timer wheel.

8、Our product series include wood sand timer, crystallite glass sand timer, crystallite plastic sand timer, metal sand timer, plastic sand timer and a variety of bulbs and tubes for sand timer.

9、The retransmission timer is started by inserting the timer into an appropriate slot in the timer wheel.

10、Countdown timer lets user see seconds remaining.

11、The final probe is a timer probe.

12、The electric photo-timer will tell.

13、Specify the timer interval in milliseconds

14、This call includes the timer, clock definition, and timer mode (one-shot or restart).

15、The notification broker sends these timer notification messages to the timer service.

16、Set a timer (use a kitchen timer, or use a countdown timer on your computer), and plug away at your work.

17、Use the same countdown timer tests as before.

18、Next month, I'll discuss getting better timer resolution.

19、FUNCTIONS: time, date and week display, countdown timer rotate photo.

20、Alarm clock plus timer features include: music alarm, shake to snooze, time to next alarm, timer countdown, much more.

21、So set a timer and then forget about time.

22、Assume that the maximum timer interval value any timer takes on does not exceed an upper limit (tmax).

23、Polling on a timer when you don't need to.

24、A main storage location used by timer supervision routines to calculate timer intervals and time of day.

25、When the self-timer has been activated, the self-timer LED will start flashing and about 10 seconds later, the shutter will be released. The self-timer LED remains lit for the last 2 seconds before the shutter is released.

26、Eva: The bombs run off a timer. Once the timer has been set the countdown will begin. When the timer reaches zero the bombs will all go off at once.

27、So, for example, suppose once an hour we want to get timer events every minute for 10 minutes, and then 50 minutes where no timer events occur.

28、To work smarter try using a timer - on your cell phone or use an egg-timer - and set it for 45 minutes.

29、My personal favorite feature is that you can have it continuously emit a ticking sound while the timer is running, just like a kitchen timer would.

30、Totem timer icons will now show up under your player portrait when you cast totem spells. Right-clicking a totem timer icon will destroy that totem.