1、aeration vent scrubber

2、bar actuated pressure vent

3、smoke vent system

4、hydrothermal-vent biotas

5、And you need to vent.

6、hydro-vent type scrubbing system

7、tripod-frame supported vent stack

8、The three popular types of vents in suits are single vent, double vent and vent-less.


10、He gave vent to his anger

11、An opening for outward discharge;a vent.

12、The sky is but a vent-hole.

13、Open vent needle valve and bleed air from hose. Then close vent valve.

14、An optional backup vent fan operates in the event of a primary vent fan failure.

15、Open needle valve" A" high side and vent needle valve to vent air from bypass hose.

16、Do say, "Do you just need to vent?"

17、Disconnect the vent hose from the axle shaft tube.

18、At times I vent my anger before the mirror.

19、a vent (as in a roof) for smoke to escape.

20、release or vent, as of emotions and reactions.

21、Visually inspect vent to ensure that vent goes to full open position when the pressure is at zero.

22、In Vent-less there is no vent. Ventless suit can restrict movement like raising your arm or sitting.

23、Vent the gas. Vent the gas in the regulator and/or system, or isolate the system, and vent the gas in the regulator by turning the adjusting knob clockwise so that no pressure is trapped inside the regulator.

24、 Police officers are also human beings. People have emotions. They want to vent when they have emotions. If one person vents, they call it vent. If all people vent together, they call it gossip.

25、Estimates suggest that for every cubic meter of vent discharge, 350 milligrams of particulate organic material would be advected into the vent area.

26、1.to drain; to lead off (liquids); 2.to vent; to give vent to; to get sth. off one's chest; to unbosom oneself; to unleash

27、To vent our frustrations. Sometimes we are just frustrated with something, or are having a bad day, and need to vent that negative anger.

28、Then he ran and hid in a vent at the side of the building.

29、VFD Exhauster without vent is a key machine to VFD equipments.

30、Complaining is as useful for people's minds as a whistle vent is for a teakettle.