1、To confront boldly.

2、Please speak English boldly.

3、He boldly shouted it aloud.

4、I stood off very boldly.

5、He made that move boldly.

6、A new policy was boldly conceived.

7、Live boldly. Push yourself. Don’t settle.

8、She boldly criticised the out-dated customs.

9、They dare not express their views boldly.

10、Egypt can now boldly say no!

11、This time it is the courage to boldly crawled forward.

12、You ought to face up to the difficulties boldly.

13、You can and must act boldly and confidently.

14、To all their interrogations she answered boldly and frankly.

15、Now, boldly, let's declare in a Nietzschean manner, that.

16、There are so many people and people in the public eye that he dare not bully you, so you can go boldly and boldly.

17、They must delete secondary parts and compose the main body properly, abstractly and boldly.

18、This engine will let us go boldly where no man has gone before.

19、I believe we can act boldly, and decisively, in the face of a common threat.

20、If it be right, do it boldly. If it be wrong, leave it undone.

21、In order to certain political purpose, the news was modified boldly.

22、When you are angry, you hurt yourself, you are petty, you hurt others. When you should say that, you must speak out boldly. When you should shout, you must shout out boldly.

23、Wang Guangtao also named several directors and directors, encouraging them to speak boldly and express their opinions directly.

24、A timely pieceof research by Deutsche Bank boldly states that phasing out nuclear powerplants “is not a viable policy option.”

25、You boldly fool! What made you switch the electricity on while I was still fixing the bulb?

26、She act boldly, decisively, complete with a domineering, optimistic people do not have to place in the creation of wealth.

27、Without any sense of the complexities of any great task, he boldly assumed one function after another.

28、Since we can not stop, we boldly continue to move forward. How many difficulties and frustrations ahead, I have no fear.

29、Young people should dare to think, dare to speak and dare to act, should be boldly creative, and must not be intimidated by big names and authorities.

30、In the face of interests, we should not be too submissive or too modest. We should boldly ask our leaders for what they deserve.