1、omission solid solution

2、Confused with errors and omission

3、repair an error, omission, etc

4、Is that simply an omission?

5、an inadvertent slip, omission, etc

6、The notable omission here is the iPhone.

7、A proof vitiated by a serious omission.

8、The administrative omission that this text inquires only means administrative omission without nonperformance administrative obligation.

9、The biggest mistakes are mistakes of omission rather than commission.

10、Let's finally address that omission here and now.

11、Sadly, there are two caveats and a huge omission.

12、Foreign policy is made by commission and omission.

13、There are many reasons for this omission, however.

14、Dandy shall not be held liable in relation to any omission, negligence, deliberate omission or fraud by the bank where the bank Account is maintained.

15、Joint crime with omission is a form including both crime with omission and joint crime, which is still lacks of systematically studying in our country.

16、We accept that the Organiser bears no responsibility for any error or omission.

17、The common edition of The Old Tang History has many omission on the word.

18、Macufacturers provide that cell phones meet government standards for safe radio-frequency radiation omission.

19、We cannot offer because of your omission to state the necessary particulars ( specification ) .

20、The omission of this chapter from the third edition was a gross oversight.

21、Nevertheless, from a theory based on intuition, the omission of such duties leaves Ross's list peculiarly incomplete.

22、Administrative omission is an illegal administrative act of a administrative subject which do not perform its active obligation.

23、Sadly, there are two caveats and a huge omission. The first caveat is that the law is not clear.

24、They were deploring their parents' omission to endow them with so splendid a means of appealing to the Zamindar.

25、Analysis on cause of some omission happened in detecting extended spectrum β-lactamases positive strains by VITEK-AMS

26、There is nothing worse than spending lots of time dating a person only to find out much later an important secret or lie of omission about them.

27、When any action neglecting to perform the obligation of discretional act violates the rule of reason, it constitutes violation as administrative omission.

28、Where the carrier sustains any loss due to the consignor's provision of false information or omission of any material information, the consignor shall be liable for damages.

29、There's no change to collective bargaining at the USPS, a major omission considering that personnel accounts for 80 percent of the agency's costs.

30、Just about every make and model, with the notable exception of Apple's (AAPL) iPhone (a strange omission because Amazon carries both AT&T (T) smartphones and Apple iPods) can be purchased from Amazon.