1、underwater attracting fish lamp

2、an underwater gun [camera]

3、The duck disappeared underwater.

4、Dolphins dive deep underwater.

5、Research of efficient underwater video coding method for underwater robots

6、underwater emission-and direction frequencies

7、It's an autonomous underwater vehicle!

8、They could stay long underwater.

9、is the underwater tricycle race.

10、Chaos characteristic analysis of underwater reverberation.

11、underwater target identification and delay system

12、Test regulation on non-dispersible underwater concrete

13、Lithuanian divers open underwater picture gallery.

14、Push off and start swimming underwater breaststroke.

15、Doherty says: "There is no underwater generator, power electronics or gearbox underwater to go wrong."

16、Localization of the underwater target based impedance force control for underwater work system

17、Underwater worlds Mineral: Celestite Celestite holds the vibration of underwater worlds in the language of light.

18、The team's underwater cameraman Sebastian Giner prepares to film the underwater site

19、Underwater gliders, as a new kind of underwater vehicle, can be used as underwater monitoring platform for long-range, long-time and large-scale ocean environment monitoring.

20、With the development of ocean exploration, underwater vehicle manipulator system plays more and more important roles on underwater detection, underwater mining, ocean petroleum engineering and so on.

21、There, robotic arms transfer the fuel into storage cassettes underwater.

22、Conveyors are waterproof. You can build them underwater, like ladders.

23、I decided to do some research for my underwater life.

24、Was he like an innovator with underwater photography too?

25、But underwater film-making wasn't that unusual, was it?

26、Feature extraction is one of key steps in underwater target classification system, to obtain some discriminatory information of various kinds of underwater targets.

27、For the development of new-technic underwater acoustic detection equipment, the State Key Laboratory of Ocean Acoustics needs to test the dynamic data of the underwater acoustic sensor.

28、To simulate the sonar echo of the underwater moving target, a high precision and multi-function underwater target simulation technique is proposed.

29、Ocean space intelligent unmanned vehicles include the intelligent unmanned surface vehicle (USV), the autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) and unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV).

30、To explore this underwater world, Thatje and his team of U.S. and Swedish scientists towed an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) that scanned the seafloor with a digital camera.