1、We are extremely dissatisfied.

2、Cai Lun was dissatisfied.

3、Like all great artists, Thenardier was dissatisfied.

4、The dissatisfied customer Berated the florist

5、Either or both feel dissatisfied or resentful.

6、Even homeowners may end up feeling dissatisfied.

7、Naturally, Jane was extremely dissatisfied with Harry's intervention.

8、We may be dissatisfied, but we still need to eat.

9、Paul was dissatisfied with himself and with everything.

10、They are dissatisfied with that bank's limited hours, too.

11、The people are dissatisfied with our low level of efficiency.

12、Then everyone separated, and no one was dissatisfied with what was happening, except one, the hungry artist himself, who was always dissatisfied.

13、What l am dissatisfied with is that l have not done a good job.

14、You are dissatisfied on account of my rise in fortune, and you can't help showing it.

15、the feeling of being displeased or annoyed or dissatisfied with someone or something.

16、If you are dissatisfied with our service, please write to the manager.

17、Xiao Ming was inexplicably reprimanded by the teacher, and was very dissatisfied.

18、Chueh-hui demanded rudely. He was very dissatisfied with his Big Brother's weak-kneed attitude towards life.

19、Since the principal has always been open about the appointment of the supervisor, no one has ever been dissatisfied.

20、Nevertheless, whether the following suggestions and comments indicate, students feel dissatisfied with things-as-they-are in the classroom.

21、The party who is dissatisfied with such an order may appeal within seven days from the date of receipt thereof.

22、In your hands, my dissatisfied fellow-countrymen, and not in mine, is the momentous issue of civil war.

23、One reason is that banks must compete for customers who will switch to another bank if they are dissatisfied with the service they receive.

24、It is also easier for a dissatisfied company to give its account to another agency, and it would be to fire its own advertising staff.

25、Those" very dissatisfied" with Mr Tung had surged from eight per cent in April last year to17 per cent last month.

26、He became dissatisfied with modern life and man's selfish wish for private wealth, so he went and joined a Hippie commune.

27、"It was a grievous thing. She became restless and dissatisfied, not exactly, as she thought, with Hurstwood, but with life. What was it? A very dull round indeed. What did she have?"

28、 Always dissatisfied with his hairstyle, keen on studying the constellation, all electrical appliances do not read the instructions but have no teachers, like to play with children but do not like to have children.