1、To make disproportionate.

2、to a disproportionate degree.

3、disproportionate sampling with paired selection

4、But gas has a disproportionate dynamical role.

5、An instance of a disproportionate relation.

6、Psychopaths are responsible for a disproportionate amount of crime.

7、You spend a disproportionate amount of your time on sport.

8、We spend a disproportionate amount of our income on rent.

9、Faults: Worn teeth in such way disproportionate to the age.

10、The global economic crisis has had a disproportionate impact on young people;

11、With risk comes the hope of disproportionate impact, but also some probability of failure.

12、A disproportionate number of entrepreneurial companies are, indeed, small start-ups.

13、This limitation insures that this enormous expenditure will not go in disproportionate share to a few individuals with large holdings.

14、In a study of the world's most highly successful entrepreneurs, it turns out a disproportionate number have dyslexia.

15、Tensions with India mean that the army has always absorbed a disproportionate share of the government's budget.

16、It also counts as a form of affirmative action, since a disproportionate amount goes to blacker Brazilians.

17、Those eager to hear these words are also somewhat confused. After all, the length of life is disproportionate to the length of the vow.

18、In 1973 sociologist Mark Granovetter showed how the loose acquaintances, or "weak ties", in our social network exert a disproportionate influence over our behaviour and choices.

19、Structure should be robust so that in the event of an accidental damage the rest structure will not suffer damage disproportionate to the original cause.

20、The punishment was surely disproportionate to the crime, and many investments that look foolish in retrospect seemed sensible at the time.

21、"The ideal person had the perfectly proportioned mixture of the four fluids; a disproportionate amount of one humour created a personality dominated by one set of related emotions (e.g., a choleric man was easily angered, proud, ambitious, and vengeful). "

22、Its government may no longer inspire as much respect or fear as it once did, but a disproportionate share of global leaders are American-educated, so they are familiar with American values.

23、"What has been peculiar about these earthquakes is that there seems to be a disproportionate number of them that are uniform in size,"said seismologist Tony Qamar at the University of Washington's seismic lab in Seattle.

24、As countries become richer, the increase in health care costs tends to be disproportionate, but even if the United States adjusts for it, it is still different from other countries.