1、kosher meat; a kosher kitchen.

2、Many are not kosher.

3、a kosher butcher's, restaurant, meal

4、All their food is strictly kosher.

5、In some circumstances, we will approve non-kosher materials for non-kosher processes, providing that those do not and cannot compromise the kosher status of the certified products.

6、Photo: Yaniv Madar, head of the Seder Olam kosher website, which helps people find kosher food options.

7、The glues on Israeli postage stamps is certified kosher.

8、It's Puff the Jewish Dragon's favorite kosher dish.

9、Acting was not a kosher trade for an upper-class girl.

10、"If I could get kosher for Passover flour, I would use it," he said.

11、Okay, I've got the kosher cookbook, salt, flour, sugar, new mixing bowls.

12、Unclean and unfit for consumption according to dietary law;not kosher.

13、Paul's answer,what was Paul's answer to people in Galatians who wanted to add on circumcision and kosher?

14、In fact you're keeping kosher, you're keeping the law is an expression of your faith in God.

15、I think there is reason to suspect that things have been done that may not be kosher.

16、The ingredient component list will help us determine if the product can be kosher and its designation.

17、Oil the skin side of the salmon and season both sides with a little kosher salt and a grind or two of black pepper.

18、On the second day, 67 senators and 286 members of the House joined the 10,000 at the gala dinner—perhaps the biggest kosher nosh in history.

19、In the Dead Sea Scrolls there were instructions on how to prepare locusts according to the Jewish ceremony laws, making it kosher.

20、Finally, a comprehensive solution would let domain owners confirm that the names and machine numbers issued by a given CA are kosher.

21、This guy who wants to marry Susie claims to be a big businessman back in Chicago. But I'm going to check up on him to see whether he's actually kosher or just lying about himself.

22、Shaved paper-thin, fried in vegetable oil, and then sprinkled with kosher salt, "they're light, airy, and crisp, like a chip, " says one server. "Only one person has ever not liked them."

23、IMG_0624Remember, earlier this month when we wrote about the upskirt app that Apple deemed kosher, while at the same time banning a satirical Someecards app from the App Store?

24、A fusion menu featuring fresh seafood and meats made with local ingredients provides plenty of options, including a fresh prawn salad, Indian-inspired Biryani pasta, as well as vegetarian, vegan, halaal and kosher choices.