1、Many were brutally assaulted.

2、He was brutally assaulted.

3、brutally forceful and compelling.

4、To kill brutally or indiscriminately.

5、The rebellion was brutally suppressed.

6、My reduce implementation is brutally simple.

7、Though brutally mistreated, slaves were not cheap.

8、The uprising was brutally put down.

9、Her real parents had been brutally murdered.

10、Let me be brutally frank about this.

11、The shallowness of the summit’s achievements has been brutally exposed.

12、Why do they always accuse us so brutally?

13、Iran's reform movement has been brutally suppressed in recent years.

14、A young woman was brutally raped in her own home.

15、If anyone's brutally honest, that's the way they feel.

16、A brutally competitive newspaper market encourages screaming headlines and intrusive tittle-tattle.

17、Fortunately, my kids are phasing out of the Wiggles' music. It's brutally catchy!

18、Send the script to at least ten friends and ask them to be brutally honest.

19、Societies can be brutally theocratic in either or both of two senses.

20、In 1976 she was brutally attacked while on holiday in Waikiki Hawai 'i.

21、Blinking her eyes back to full consciousness, she finds that the two goons have been brutally slain.

22、CDOs are debt pools of repackaged residential-mortgage bonds, and they have been brutally hit by losses on mortgage investments.

23、I turned the pages and read articles so brutally anti-Negro that goose pimples broke out over my skin.

24、No white person will be taken from his home by a hooded Negro mob and brutally murdered.

25、To this very hour we go hungry and thirsty, we are in rags, we are brutally treated, we are homeless.

26、They are brutally voracious, that is to say, ferocious, not after the fashion of the tyrant, but after the fashion of the tiger.

27、Yet brutally enforcing it will anger not just market traders with dollars and Chinese yuan, but also the Mafia elites at the heart of the regime.

28、It seems to be a law in the technology industry that leading companies eventually lose their positions, often quickly and brutally.

29、The shallowness of the summit's achievements has been brutally exposed. Instead of settling into a period of calm, markets were thrown into new turmoil (see article).

30、The maniac has returned, now in the 21st century as a rampaging mummy that brutally kills and destroys everything in its path.