1、Bilingual training; bilingual education.

2、a bilingual community

3、Q. Are you bilingual?

4、Chinese English bilingual text

5、Preliminary research on bilingual teaching and bilingual teacher development;

6、Kazakhstan is a bilingual country.

7、Where is our bilingual elite?

8、Many of the building signs were bilingual.

9、They are becoming bilingual or multilingual.

10、He is bilingual (in French and Spanish).

11、This is the drawback of the bilingual policy.

12、Fujian international trade versatile personnel training and bilingual education

13、It is why even bilingual doctors rely on interpreters.

14、Investigation on bilingual education course construction in College English;

15、The phenomena of bilingual and two-cultures viewed from the transference of language code in bilingual education of Bei nationality

16、Giving bilingual talent the financial rewards they deserved may be the way to nurture and develop more bilingual talent.

17、Served as a sub-website of Tianhong Bilingual School, this website is aimed to provide an arena for teachers engaged in bilingual education to exchange ideas on bilingual education.

18、There was no difference between monolingual and bilingual children in4- year-old group, but6- year-old monolingual children were better than bilingual children in MLUw.

19、Third is to strengthen the bilingual education experimental study, causing the Yanbian Korean National Minority bilingual education to march into the scientific research track.

20、People doubt about the effects of practicing bilingual teaching at TCM colleges and universities for fear that bilingual teaching may lead to loss of national culture.

21、Thinking of permeating type bilingual teaching of surveying course in college;

22、Nk: Do you think that more people will become bilingual as time goes on?

23、The semantic representation of bilingual mental lexicon is becoming an important area of inquiry.

24、Chinese as main language complemented by English language in a bilingual education system.

25、The latter one, i.e. , the goal of learning English is for translation, not for bilingual use, is a problem we can change: the goal of learning English should be bilingual use.


27、This suggests that the bilingual brain remains flexible to languages for a longer period of time, possibly because bilingual infants are exposed to a greater variety of speech sounds at home.

28、In the past, students were recommended to buy a thick bilingual dictionary as a tool to learn English.

29、In fact, most children outside of the United States are expected to become bilingual or even, in many cases, multilingual.

30、Certain hospitals will start trial run of bilingual service for foreign patients at the end of the year.