1、promotional hire charge

2、Company brochures/promotional materials

3、Look for promotional materials.

4、annual departmental promotional review system

5、Coordinate company advertising and promotional activities.

6、Libraries also use toolbars for promotional purposes.

7、Organized promotional activities and managed shelf stock.

8、Briefly thrilling, but still - a promotional video.

9、Influence of promotional vehicles on customer purchase behavior;

10、Employees were fired immediately after promotional drives to slash costs.

11、The jet was being filmed for a promotional video.

12、Wilhelm says sanitising products aren't just used as promotional giveaways.

13、While industry specific in focus, the promotional approach is global.

14、In my opinion, a better way is to blend promotional and non-promotional information to deliver the advertising message.

15、They benchmark the success of others; analyze what promotional and design strategies have worked in the past; and review their advertising and promotional campaigns.

16、A health promotional beverage was developed by combination of almond and milk.

17、The day before, Dusty sat for an interview for a promotional Web video for the game.

18、But having a large network and some promotional skills may be more crucial.

19、Objective To investigate promotional action of health education for patients with implantation of hip joint.

20、Then if you become a finalist - quickly change your promotional material to include this information.

21、Party A's promotional brochures (including catalogues of commodities), trademarks and exhibitions, promotional materials, etc. for advertising and propaganda purposes need the consent of Party B before they can be implemented.

22、The Publicity Division is responsible for government publications, promotional campaigns, creative and design work and government photography and advertisements.

23、This was not some nutty promotional stunt to give dog-lovers a romp in the halls with Fido and Fifi.

24、Jeff Blyskal, associate editor of Consumer Reports magazine, says the promotional ballyhoo over alliances is much a do about nothing.

25、Millions of dollars are spent by pharmaceutical companies on promotional products like coffee mugs, shirts, umbrellas, and golf balls.

26、According to promotional material published by the city of Springfield, more tourists stay in hotels in Springfield than stay in the neighboring city of Harristown.

27、A few of the retailers also share their promotional plans, and some maintain an online database where the apparel company can view relevant data.

28、To realize this vision, Ricci is mounting one of the most lavish, enterprising—and expensive—promotional campaigns in magazine-publishing history.

29、And then to buy a bike, the car would also like to weld the two loading luggage rack and promotional materials.