1、override one's commission

2、Overdrive/override switch

3、landing gear downlock override switch

4、Why would you want to override declarations?

5、More specific rules override more generic ones.

6、You cannot override core runtime function.

7、This involves generating an override file.

8、Considerations of safety override all other concerns.

9、Juxtapose the use of override with new. What is shadowing?

10、You define the inheritance behavior so you can override it.

11、Note that implementers are permitted to override this value.

12、Many plug-ins override this method to perform their initialization.

13、These directives typically override the default caching algorithms.

14、XML deployment descriptors can override annotations so you can externalize configurations and override Settings for different deployment environments.

15、Ask customer if software installed on another PC. If yes, do not override; explain EULA. Refer customer to additional license purchase. If no, override.

16、You can only override license codes which have already been activated. Please select an eligible license code from the list and press the override button again.

17、You can override and of the names created by the wizard.

18、The House Oversight Committee could potentially override this by issuing a subpoena for Ng's testimony.

19、Does the ability to override annotations make them useful for more types of usages?

20、To use an ABC, a subclass must inherit from the ABC and override its abstract methods.

21、Do we use our powers of rationality to override our moral instinct?

22、You can only reset-override license codes which have already been over-ridden. Please select an eligible license code, from the list above, that you want to reset override press the button again.

23、The ISO User Setting mode allows setting for ISO manual override of the film for advanced applications.

24、Ask customer if software installed on another PC. If yes, do not override; explain EULA. Refer customer to additional license purchase. If no, ask probing questions: (list) Look at More Info screen. Override.

25、The easiest way to get around this requirement is to make a DNS override in your hosts file.

26、"Rory was always first to get to places. He would override any obstacle to get to a story.

27、This helps your body override some of the conflicting messages it may be getting from wayward hormones activated by perimenopause.

28、Love will eventually override Low Self-Esteem with a module of its own called High Self-Esteem.

29、Adjust what types of content other people can view, with or without your permission. You can override content settings on a case-by-case basis.

30、Our mediation handler's field has a suitable default, so you do not need to specify a value unless you need to override it.