1、Don't grab the toys.

2、Don't grab my hair!

3、Don't grab anything.

4、grab bucket excavator

5、I grab a bottle, and grab some water.

6、Let's grab something to eat!

7、You should grab this chance.

8、Use it to grab attention.

9、box-handling crane with grab

10、How does that grab you?

11、Grasp it decisively, grab it with violence, grab it with self-torture, and grab it with strict plans.

12、How did the flu grab you?

13、Don't grab—there's plenty for everyone.

14、Rivals are straining to grab Zynga's players.

15、I managed to grab her hand.

16、His hand shot out to grab her.

17、I planned to grab a bus if I could not grab a taxi.

18、Sam : I have ways. If she resists, you grab her arms, I'll grab her feet.

19、We recommend you grab the latest stable milestone.

20、He'll grab at any excuse to avoid doing the dishes.

21、Next, grab the Twitter gem using the gem utility

22、Let me grab my jacket and we can go!

23、Okay, well, I can maybe grab a sleeping bag or…

24、Grab a drink or two for now and grab a couple more when you stop for refueling or rest breaks.

25、Attempts to grab it and twist it into a new shape never work because you can't grab it.

26、Her arriving is a don't concern steer grab of, but, scared Mo savage person, can not also ascertain out appropriate chance anew to grab her.

27、"Brakes too sensitive or grab. When the Brakes are too sensitive and Brake hard or grab with slight Brake-pedal pressure,"

28、Presently, grab is quite widely used on each port, and the grab is still main equipment for unloading of bulk cargo.

29、Navigate back to the archive and grab the file named tapestry-tutorials.tar.gz.

30、So grab your Rectangular Marquee Tool (m) right click on the image and select Color Range.