1、Depth beats breadth.

2、register(ed) breadth

3、breadth-and-depth-first search

4、the breadth of mind; bosom

5、Great depth and breadth desirable.

6、We escaped by a hair's breadth.

7、This provides a breadth-first search.

8、What' s the breadth of this river ?

9、show breadth of mind, outlook, opinions, etc

10、We won by a hair's breadth.

11、The word "length" and "breadth" of a vessel mean her length overall and greatest breadth.

12、His book showed the great breadth of his learning.

13、Also, consider the technical depth and breadth of your audience.

14、The collection continued to grow in depth and in breadth.

15、Books influence the depth and breadth of life.

16、A tolerant personal usually has breadth of mind.

17、An inch of breadth of heart and a foot of breadth of road. If the heart is not as broad as the sea, who has a quiet life?

18、Shoulder breadth: The distance between two shoulders peak. Shoulder breadth is equal to the half of the bust to decrease 4 centimeters.

19、Diffuse water source routines for the implementation of the breadth first search algorithm of diffuse water easy language breadth first search.

20、Would you hire a carpet-layer to put down a breadth of carpet a day?

21、There are two common approaches to searching a graph: depth-first search and breadth-first search.

22、More shocking is the breadth of companies and the seniority of the individuals involved.

23、One obvious criticism is that the price of breadth is depth.

24、Farmers' preferences for a companion cereal vary over the length and breadth of the country.

25、But the commission may hold out for a "global", industry-wide settlement on mortgages, given the breadth of alleged misconduct.

26、In this paper, the breadth-first search algorithm on the interconnection network is given and applied to the twisted cube.

27、Only when we have the breadth and breadth of the sea and the great boldness of tolerance, can we bind ourselves to the idea of uneasiness in our hearts, and be calm and happy.

28、Go off work back to mention me this matter in the afternoon, I understood that breadthbreadth a woman's officers and workers is an intentionally little seeking or seek the money of mistake.

29、The indexes which can measure niche breadth are selected and the niche of the cities under the jurisdiction of Henan Province is calculated and analyzed based on the model of the niche breadth.

30、And it is not just the geographical breadth of this crisis that is alarming, but also its economic depth.