1、listening device

2、listening comprehension

3、Are they really listening?

4、Are you listening, Mom?

5、People hearing without listening.

6、By listening to tapes.

7、Approach of English Listening Teaching--Method of Pre-listening Teaching;

8、Sing like no one's listening.

9、On listening difficulties from the nature of listening comprehension;

10、C. to listening to, CDs

11、Practice listening to your intuition.

12、The neighbors are listening carefully.

13、What about listening to cassettes?

14、I study English by listening to cassettes.

15、Show you’re listening by your nonverbal communication.

16、They were listening to the beautiful music.

17、You can call it compassionate listening.

18、Did you happen to be listening?

19、Factors that affect English listening comprehension and the counter-measures to improve listening competence;

20、Listening to the English broadcast every day should help improve your listening and speaking abilities.

21、Students should be given first impressions before listening in higher vocational English listening teaching;

22、富贵本无根,尽从勤里得——出自明代 意思是:富贵本身并不是固定属于谁的,而是通过*勤的劳动得来的。

23、It's counterproductive listening, in which you're not really listening to the other person at all.

24、How to improve students 'listening skill, train them to have certain listening ability and make English listening teaching on a new stage is an important question.

25、The students should be guided to the predication and inference of listening materials beforehand, integrating intensive listening with extensive listening in College English teaching in class.

26、The skills of listening and speaking, in particular, require speed.

27、Is that the Backstreet Boys you're listening to?

28、Mike: is that the Backstreet Boys you're listening to?

29、He practiced listening and speaking skills every night.

30、Sitting there listening to my great nephew, listening to a particular ecstasy and thinking from time to time.