1、My supervisor is so demanding.

2、He's more demanding than Joe.

3、The work is physically demanding.

4、Beware of demanding more time!

5、That job is yet more demanding.

6、They are demanding equal rights and justice.

7、an excessively demanding and faultfinding tutor;

8、I have a very demanding job.

9、Scorpio is sensual, passionate, demanding, jealous, inflexible.

10、That seems to be what consumers are demanding, after all.

11、It's an exhilarating sport, but it's also physically demanding.

12、Graduate school is highly demanding, both mentally and physically.

13、It is a technically demanding piece of music to play.

14、It 's demanding, but it 's very interesting .

15、Conventional morality has erred, not in demanding self-control, but in demanding it in the wrong place.

16、demanding an increase of the company's capital within a prescribed time frame; demanding the company to change its equity structure or implement other forms of restructuring;

17、Negotiating is primarily a mental activity, it can be physically demanding.

18、He received a threatening letter demanding$1,000,000, and the police said it was blakmail.

19、Some students complained in the strongest terms, demanding the rules to be changed.

20、He stepped down as President in September, but is now demanding his company nullify the resignation.

21、Success never seems to come but through hard work, often physically demanding work at that.

22、In demanding the developed countries to fight against global warming, India has been leading the way, demanding that they invest the necessary capital and technology and bear the consequences.

23、The Dutch are an outspoken, demanding bunch, who expect straight answers, says Luc Deliens, a Belgian academic.

24、But demanding too much of air travelers or providing too little security in return undermines public support for the process.

25、Well, I was also a lot like this in my personal life, very demanding, very authoritarian, very one-sided.

26、They blasted Greek organisers for booking the scantily-clad dancers, demanding that their sport be taken more seriously.

27、Two people involved in Baidu's early operations recall that Sina delayed a payment while demanding to renegotiate its search deal.

28、There is no purer form of success; no more exact and demanding test of what you are capable of, than to achieve a desirable outcome.

29、For many people, household labor remains demanding even if they are able to afford household appliances their grandparents would find a miracle.

30、Groups including Camp for Climate Action are demanding that coal-fired stations be decommissioned in favour of more environmentally friendly options.