1、When you said, said, said, said that you loved me.

2、I said. Everything I said, happened.

3、"I said nephew, boy," said he.

4、He said because I said so!

5、"I'm shaking," said Moore.

6、“Next time, ” Mandy said.

7、Archer said derisively.

8、"It's enough," Mandy said.

9、I said keep quiet!

10、Who said, who said I can't be ten feet.

11、One voice said, and another said, "Oh, mournful day."

12、Cao Chong said: "I said to you, you understand."

13、"It's corned beef and cabbage," said Malone. "Yuck," said Maureen.

14、He said, "Happily unemployed." And then he said, "So, Brooke!

15、"Oh, my God," she said.

16、"It knows it," Mandy said.

17、I said, don't bother me.

18、Someone said, “Shit, poor Jeff.”

19、My son said, "One did not reply. The other said" goodbye "and I said" thank you "."

20、And she said to the attendant, cranberry, and I said, Dr. Pepper, and she said, vodka.

21、Then WangXiaoGong said a words, said is said, at this time FengJie also advised may recognize grandpa under the marriage.

22、"In the beginning, my parents said no, but then my dad said OK, if that's what you want," he said.

23、"I'm all right," he said bravely.