1、clasp one's hands

2、The button won't clasp.

3、My button hook won't clasp.

4、Love with you ten clasp.

5、Dare its deadly terrors clasp?

6、New security activities in clasp.

7、And the waves clasp one another;

8、The clasp on his belt had broken.

9、clasp a bracelet round one's wrist

10、Laboratory study on abutment movement of the combined clasp, the extension clasp and the telescopic crown

11、It does not clasp its hands and pray to Jupiter.

12、The boy is too young to shut a clasp-knife.

13、He took her hand in his firm warm clasp.

14、To clasp to or hold in the bosom.

15、I'd clasp it round so close and tight.

16、Objective The friction coefficient between the clasp and enamel was measured as one base of calculating the retention force of clasp quantitatively.

17、She made no response whatever to the clasp of his arm;

18、An often ornamented clasp or brooch used in ancient Greece and Rome to fasten clothing.

19、Comparison of stress distribution on telescopic denture and clasp-retention denture for bilateral free-ended cases

20、The mysterious stranger held one of her hands in a strong and trembling clasp.

21、Melanie reached out and took Scarlett's hand in a gentle confiding clasp.

22、no longer could he clasp the hand which had done so much to make his existence blessed.

23、Objective: the purpose of this study was to investigate the results of clinical application of resin clasp.

24、The clamp frame of probe can be clasp on many pipes to measuring temperature of outside surfaces.

25、Conclusion When designing a valplast denture, the covered area of gingiva by the clasp should be reduced. The margin of the clasp should be far from the margin of gingiva.

26、Helen stood up. The mysterious stranger held one of her hands in a strong and trembling clasp.

27、I'd take you out myself but I've got old man Gorman in the waiting room with a broken clasp on his denture.

28、Holly's cloak was fastened with a silver clasp, and Frenya had a girdle of hempen rope wound about her middle from her hips to breasts.

29、Using pliers, I bent the straight end like a mini hook so it could be used as a clasp to open and close the hanger.