1、lengthening contraction

2、contraction of a muscle

3、temperature contraction of pipes

4、isovolumic contraction period

5、Its contraction is a covector.

6、We have massive contraction of credit formation.

7、Eventually the star's contraction slows down.

8、"Convulsion:an intense, paroxysmal, involuntary muscular contraction."

9、An intense, paroxysmal, involuntary muscular contraction.

10、"I'll" is a contraction of "I will".

11、Antagonistic Co-contraction Ratios of Dynamic Contraction during Stroke Patient's Knees Exercise

12、EFS induces contraction response in some sling fibers.

13、Now the region is undergoing an equally remarkable contraction.

14、The year-end contraction in credit was even steeper.

15、The least unitary looking contraction operator is 0.

16、The word "sib" is a contraction of "sibling".

17、The eccentric contraction of both sides′ quadriceps and hamstring produced significantly higher torques than concentric contraction did in same speed.

18、But focusing on close objects involves contraction of muscles controlling the shape of the eye's lens. And one possibility is that "this constant contraction may stretch the eyeball.

19、As the body is trying to generate it's own heat you will develop uncontrolled muscle contraction.

20、Admittedly there has been a contraction of village commerce, but its vigour is still remarkable.

21、Investors' desire for extra protection has made the contraction of credit worse.

22、The contraction of facial muscles both influences the internal emotional state and reflects it.

23、Monthly indicators also suggest that the rate of economic contraction is slowing.

24、It has been pointed out that Lorentz contraction is not a kind of visual effect but a measurement effect.

25、Study on back pressure and self-starting characteristics for sidewall-compression inlet with variable internal contraction ratio by moving cowl

26、The results of these models indicate that substrate contraction has important influence on the deformational characteristics of compressional structures.

27、Objective:To discover the properties of stress relaxation and creep of patellar ligament(PL) on knee contraction in rabbits.

28、The decreased expression of CCK-A receptor leads to depressed gallbladder contraction, which facilitates the formation of gallstones.

29、Physical activity is defined as any bodily movement produced by the contraction of skeletal muscles that result in a substantial increase over resting energy expenditure.