1、Control abstraction is the abstraction of actions.

2、Favor abstraction through configuration.

3、ABstract thought;abstraction

4、Topology abstraction, encapsulation and reuse.

5、a personified abstraction that teaches.

6、Elevate the level of abstraction.

7、abstraction for potable water supply

8、A resource is an abstraction of information.

9、Using SQLite with a database abstraction layer.

10、This is the wrong level of abstraction.

11、Such an individual becomes a metaphysical abstraction.

12、Methods:Oral liquid was made by steam distillation, alcohol abstraction method, water abstraction and alcohol precipitation.

13、Conceptually, there are three major levels of abstraction within soa.

14、What's the cost of this XSLT abstraction layer?

15、LVM provides an abstraction to the underlying storage.

16、That is to say, he opposed artistic autonomy and abstraction, and started the advancement of figuration vs abstraction.

17、Both provide abstraction from the choice of a particular database.

18、Thus a new form of abstraction adds important benefit.

19、Don't let the consumer of an abstraction depend on anything but the public contract of that abstraction.

20、You should understand the requirements at each level of abstraction and use them to derive the capabilities of the elements that collaborate at that level of abstraction.

21、Enterprise data services effectively create abstraction layer, shielding business functionality from the data access details.

22、Summary: a virtual filesystem (VFS) is an abstraction with surprisingly productive USES.

23、Singly linked lists are a powerful abstraction that allow you to represent numerous types of data.

24、However, and counter-intuitively, the ROC abstraction yields significant performance advantages.

25、What is the proper level of abstraction for the page designer?

26、It is acknowledged that the earliest abstraction blow on western esthetics was made by Wilhelm Worringer, a German art historian who is best known for his doctoral thesis, Abstraction and Empathy.

27、As with EJB, CORBA, and DCE, the core abstraction for Web services is a remote procedure call.

28、By now you must be thinking that ROC systems will spend more time running the abstraction than doing real work.

29、You can use Business Objects, extensions of Service Data Objects (SDO), to provide an abstraction layer for data access.

30、Or else, the abstraction may throw away so much information that the theorem prover may yield results that are correct for the abstraction, but incorrect for the program being analysed.