1、scrip subscription

2、snapshot push subscription, transactional push subscription, merge push subscription

3、renew one's annual subscription

4、subscription received in advance

5、User and subscription management.

6、initial subscription [IDA]

7、a 5 subscription to charity

8、Then, the subscription is activated.

9、the newspapers & magazines subscription counter

10、pay a bill, debt, fine, subscription, etc

11、front loading of the subscription [IBRD]

12、Membership and subscription fees are not refundable.

13、Subscription set: A collection of subscriptions.

14、The subscription token uniquely identifies the subscriber.

15、Cannot copy subscription. Only single file subscription databases are supported for this operation.

16、Could not update the distribution database subscription table. The subscription status could not be changed.

17、Failed to find subscription class name corresponding to subscription class identifier specified for prepared rule firing.

18、reader/api/0/edit-subscription --基本地址

19、You must provide a subscription and billing mechanism.

20、Change the bean properties to coincide with your subscription.

21、Over-subscription results in wasted bandwidth and reduced client efficiency.

22、There must be a subscription/billing mechanism in place.

23、If your custom subscription application is not working properly, another useful practice is to run the sample subscription application.

24、The set of subscription chronicles for the subscription class could not be obtained from the application database.

25、To monitor replication activity for this subscription, expand the database in the console tree, and click the Subscription folder.

26、A DataPower device can accept only one manager subscription at a time. If a device already has an active subscription, any request to add another device subscription will be rejected.

27、The difference between regular and subscription adapters is that one can register several subscription adapters having the same required and provided provided interfaces.

28、Subscribers also register a number of other preferences when saving a subscription request, such as how they want to receive the results of activity matching their subscription criteria.

29、The accounting function can also be included by subtracting the subscription rate from the appropriate fund when the subscription is renewed.

30、The board of directors may determine the payment terms of subscription for shares that were entered into before incorporation, unless the subscription agreement specifies them.