1、That other Oliver Stone hallmark.

2、Craftsmanship is a hallmark of Rolls-Royce.

3、Failing creatively is the hallmark of vivisystems.

4、Missing from Unleashed is every hallmark of good filmmaking." "

5、Sleep disruption is already a hallmark of depression.

6、a work bearing the hallmark of a genius

7、The hallmark of any good IDE is its extensibility.

8、It's a technique that has become the hallmark of Amber Films.

9、The food queues, which were a hallmark of Soviet life, vanished long ago.

10、The sense of guilt is the hallmark of civilized humanity(Theodor Reik)

11、Voting, ranking and commenting are hallmark features of web-based, social media applications.

12、And vivid scenes of street life filled with red umbrellas have become a hallmark of the artist.

13、Considerate products use common sense Offering inappropriate functions in inappropriate places is a hallmark of poorly designed interactive products.

14、The success of bidding and holding such a hallmark event can greatly stimulate public attention on sports and health issues.

15、The upsurge of money worship of that period was the hallmark of awakening and liberation of people's utility consciousness.

16、He liked to use the glissando as his hallmark, which he probably got from listening to Croatian folk music.

17、Turner claimed that the frontier produced the individualism that is the hallmark of American culture, and that this individualism in turn promoted democratic institutions and economic equality.

18、The hallmark of her success was obvious to those around her, with admiration coming from everyone, except from the man she had chosen to marry.

19、Active from May to late June, when it claims to have disbanded, LulzSec's hallmark was prankish attacks accompanied by public mockery.

20、In addition to the spongy form vacuoles that are the hallmark of the disease, their brains were littered with large, flower-shaped plaques.

21、First and foremost, the whole society should arrive at the consensus that wealth is not the hallmark of social status, but individual virtues and ethics.

22、'It is the hallmark of a credit bubble when lenders think that because collateral is going up in price they can ignore the borrower's ability to pay, ' says BlackRock's Mr. Fisher.

23、Over four to six weeks, these cells developed and were prompted to undergo the process of "meiosis", which halved the number of chromosomes they carried - a hallmark of sperm.

24、They might come into the kitchen only to find tortilla chips all over the counters and cheese on the floor — sloppy preparation seems to be a hallmark of sleep-eating.

25、Diminished or unusual patterns of eye contact during social interactions are one of the hallmark symptoms of autism, which is part of a group of disorders called autism spectrum disorders (ASDs).

26、The lack of such leaders may also be the hallmark of a largely post-ideological era in which far less need is felt for unifying doctrines or the grandiose figures who provide them.