1、$$$$Dominican Republic$Dominican Republic

2、Spanish (Dominican Republic)$Dominican Republic

3、Dominican United People's Party

4、Dominican Institute of Technology

5、Dominican Republic(the)

6、A person of Dominican ancestry.

7、Armed Uprising of Dominican People

8、monetary unit in the Dominican Republic.

9、Dominican Union of Journalists for Peace

10、President Abni arrived in Dominican Republic today.

11、Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic, More Than Just a Island City!

12、A native or inhabitant of the Dominican Republic.

13、of or relating to Saint Dominic or the Dominican order.

14、Dominican Republic is an island with many features and incredible history.

15、Nine people died in a deadly fire at a Dominican Republic nightclub.

16、of or relating to or characteristic of the Dominican Republic or its people.

17、American naval commanders were running the government of the Dominican Republic and Haiti.

18、the basic unit of money in the Dominican Republic; equal to 100 centavos.

19、Spanish-born priest who preached against the Albigensian heresy and founded the Dominican order of friars (2').

20、She found herself on her knees in front of the Dominican embassy begging for her life in broken Spanish.

21、(AFP, Santo Domingo) Balaguer, who wielded enormous sway in Dominican politics for decades and held the presidency for seven terms in the Dominican Republic, died of heart failure today. He was 95.

22、As it moved out, Tropical Storm Noel triggered mudslides and floods in the Dominican Republic and Haiti.

23、Dominican Republic is one of the main localities of ambers which contain the most inclusions of fossil organism.

24、If anyone had doubted this proposition, it received full verification in the tribulations of the Dominican Republic.

25、The figures are flattered, too, by high growth in three countries recovering from earlier economic collapses: Argentina (see article), Venezuela and the Dominican Republic.

26、The Dominican Republic has banned cutting down trees for charcoal and subsidized propane as a substitute, and the contrast can be seen in satellite photographs of the border.

27、Grenada, Cameroon, Belize or the Dominican Republic, which fared poorly after defaulting, can take little comfort from Uruguay's post-default boom.

28、In the Dominican Republic, as in many countries, the educational system is not responding to the needs of employers and the labor market, Vermehren says.

29、"Our biggest problem is insecurity, " Delfin Antonio Rodriguez, the rescue commander from the neighbouring Dominican Republic, told AFP news agency on Friday.

30、Recently, one of these interest-free loans allowed Edith to treat her son Sammy to something he'd never experienced before: a vacation at a resort in the Dominican Republic.