1、That prop will go.

2、prop and adventitious roots

3、to prop the bottle

4、prop-suspended height

5、JEFF: A prop is missing.

6、The prop parameter will contain two properties.

7、Equally, fiscal policy will be a prop.

8、He is the only prop of mine.

9、Do not prop up employment (no stimulus).

10、Money would prop up your head?

11、The government does not intend to prop up declining industries.

12、Stability analytical method of the suspended hydraulic topping prop

13、To support on the left and prop on the right

14、to prop up; to shore up; to sustai

15、Most have already pared their prop-trading desks.

16、The prop plane with the big dish is an E2 Hawkeye and the other prop plane is a C2 Greyhound.

17、And it will mean less competition from the prop desks of banks.

18、Its willingness to use fiscal means to prop up the economy has helped, too.

19、Burns' sole prop was his trademark cigar, which he would consider and draw on between anecdotes.

20、He needs American and IMF cash to prop up a failing economy.

21、JEFF: A prop is missing. The shot of Philip isn't in here.

22、When a dolphin pressed a certain key with her nose, researchers would throw the corresponding prop into the water.

23、Capital availability is an economic prop for trade and credit reliability is the guarantee to fulfill the contract.

24、In the south of loess plateau, soil water properties are excellent and crops have a prop-er water environment.

25、Ever more Westerners understandably ask why their compatriots must keep dying to prop up the inept and corrupt Mr Karzai.

26、The Praetorian Guard have become a byword for any military force which is used to prop up a ruthless regime.

27、Its subtlety lies in that it may be a magical prop for criminals to throw themselves into the net, or a conspiracy trap for seductive crimes.

28、After buying the kit, which includes scripts, prop-lists, costumes, and a licensing agreement, you can start profiting by hosting your own movie-making parties for children.

29、Recent months have already brought spin-outs from Banks including Goldman Sachs, BNP Paribas and Deutsche bank as prop traders have set up their own hedge funds.

30、The MediaWiki API also lets you access current or previous versions of page content by attaching the prop=revisions parameter to the query action.