1、glacier geomorphology

2、tributary glacier

3、Alps mountain glacier

4、compound valley glacier

5、A bleeding glacier.

6、During the last glaciation, the glacier types were wide-tail valley glacier, valley glacier and cirque glacier;

7、The glacier calved a large iceberg.

8、The US Geological Survey Benchmark glacier web site offers information on its program to monitor climate, glacier geometry, glacier mass balance, glacier motion, and stream runoff.

9、The glacier will be shifting before long.

10、Friction between the glacier and bedrock is reduced.

11、Of, relating to, or derived from a glacier.

12、accumulated earth and stones deposited by a glacier.

13、Crevasses can form in this upper layers of the glacier.

14、Where glacier once rested, a lake now exists.

15、IceBridge scientists were surveying the Pine Island glacier to learn how the glacier is changing and why.

16、In 2001, Jakobshavn glacier extends westward, showing typical features of a glacier, including flow stripes and crevasses.

17、Although retreat of glaciers causes increase in glacier melt water runoff, the effect of glacier retreat on sur- face runoff is relatively small because of small ampli tude of glacier change.

18、Scientists think that the glacier is shrinking because the ocean water that flows under the glacier is warming, increasing melt at the base.

19、If you have a glacier in a slightly warmer region, it will flow faster than a glacier in a cooler region.

20、With massive glacier-scooped lakes fringing its perimeter and with goats, sheep and grizzly bears in relative abundance, glacier is a photographer's paradise.

21、As the process is repeated, the ice becomes massively thick, resembling a small glacier.

22、I always thought that I could only freeze the memory of glacier in my childhood forever.

23、This glacial lake is bound by the glacier snout on one end, and a.

24、They only started keeping records on the sea water around the glacier in 2003.

25、Glacier National Park now has only about 25 glaciers, compared with around 150 a century ago.

26、Chengdu to the Kalong ditch 310 kilometers, the Kalong ditch to amounts to the ancient glacier 112 kilometers.

27、This glacial lake is bound by the glacier snout on one end, and a moraine-a mound formed by the accumulation of sediments and rocks moved by the glacier-on the other.

28、Across the rice pile glacier, everyone looked a bit gloomy, walking along, comforting each other and arriving at Bomi.

29、Now they had skated out the bed of brook and arrive at another glacier banks of the glacier were full of interlaced tall firs and hemlocks the shade covered the moonlight the sky was pitch-black.