1、The lizard brain.

2、It has spotted a lizard.

3、genus of Australian desert lizard.

4、The sandfish lizard, of course.

5、Varanus niloticus [Nile monitor lizard]

6、It's the sandfish lizard, of course.

7、desert lizard that feeds on ants.

8、monochrome glaze vase with engraved lizard desig

9、Steve's got a lizard as a pet.

10、"Largest living lizard (Varanus komodoensis), a member of the monitor lizard family Varanidae."

11、A lizard named Ed is asleep in his bed.

12、This gives the lizard time to get away.

13、The horned lizard is a seemingly normal looking lizard found in the southwest region of the United States.

14、Radiation from nuclear detonations morphed a small lizard into Godzilla.

15、A common lizard (Zootoca vivipara) in Northern Ireland.

16、a common Eurasian lizard about a foot long.

17、The house lizard mainly take insect and other stanzas limb animals as the food, a handful of large house lizard, also take small lizard, rat or small birds as to eat.

18、The changeable lizard, an agamid lizard found widely in Asia, can be seen in different colours which reflect their moods Photograph: STR/AFP/Getty Images

19、A lizard of the genus amphisbaena; harmless wormlike limbless lizard of warm or tropical regions having concealed eyes and ears and a short blunt tail.

20、The chameleon lizard has the most striking ability to do this.

21、Suddenly, he found a lizard window to his desk, he saw the iguana extremely happy.

22、Be warned, you big lounge lizard: it could happen to you.

23、The average lizard, by contrast, is happy to consume a single grub a day.

24、When an alligator lizard is attacked by an enemy it drops its tail.

25、After the islands separated, the isolated lizard populations would have become distinct species while also retaining their ancestors' niche adaptations.

26、It'sbecause they compromise, have meetings, work to fit in, fear the critics andgenerally work to appease the lizard.

27、insectivorous lizard with hornlike spines on the head and spiny scales on the body; of western North America.

28、Similarly, a psychic multi-headed snake lizard can only launch a psionic attack mode once per round.

29、Thermal dependence of food assimilation and sprint speed in a lacertid lizard Eremias argus from northern China

30、And actually, we have to say, despite our well-documented love of cats, this lizard is a way better gamer than those cheetahs.