1、I began to walk slower and slower.

2、Slower - in some cases much slower - autofocus.

3、Could you speak slower?

4、The train went slower and slower until it stopped altogether.

5、Sound travels slower than light.

6、Learn to eat slower, drive slower, walk slower (unless you're doing it for exercise).

7、Progress was slower than expected.

8、"A little slower," Chueh-hsin directed.

9、Just hope I could catch the tail of time mother, beg her moving slower, slower, and slower

10、Going slower makes your handwriting clearer.

11、My typing is slower than usual too.

12、The train is slower than the airplane.

13、Because the user base also grew, data changes became slower and slower.

14、Light waves travel much slower through water and even slower through glass.

15、It is slower to choose friends, but slower to change friends.

16、And some nimble small ones will sprint past slower incumbents.

17、Athletes have, as a rule, a slower heart rate .

18、People enjoyed the tranquility of a slower pace of life.

19、The client runs progressively slower as more requests are made.

20、A plane landed on the runway at a slower and slower speed, and finally stopped right in front of them.

21、The rate of decline in cases and deaths is far slower than needed, and far slower than what is possible.

22、Oops! It went almost 20 percent slower by using Pyrex.

23、Others think that tempo pace is just slower than your LT - about 15 to 20 seconds slower.

24、One could easily believe that people are a little slower to sell their homes than, say, their stocks. But years slower?

25、Seeing that the marching speed was slower and slower, Cao Cao was very worried because he feared that he might bungle the chance of winning the battle.

26、Here, you can completely slow down the rush of daily life, though slower and slower, and truly live a slow life addiction.

27、You can imagine a more robust mesh of freeways that would hold up better, like one inch of snow means everything moves 10% slower, instead of 200% slower.

28、Can you isolate seldom-used files for storage on slower physical disks?

29、Others result merely in slower growth, as borrowers stop spending and lenders scuttle for cover.

30、It could force new space tools to travel at slower speeds.