1、别这样,说实话,我承认,我需要你。My laylaylaylay lady.My laylaylaylay ldy

2、lay under contribution

3、cover layer (cover lay)

4、lay day statement

5、Wherein lay his greatness?

6、lay down one's office, duties

7、lay claim to original research

8、and lay them face down.

9、Fat hens lay few eggs.

10、But Tamerlane's ambitions lay elsewhere.

11、And I just lay by her side.

12、They began to lay their plans.

13、He cried and lay on the grass.

14、Before him lay miles of undulating moorland.

15、Terry lay deep in a 16)coma.

16、lay a country under tribute = lay a tribute on a country

17、Lay down, lay down on my shoulder, take me to the water.



20、A huge rattlesnake lay coiled on the blanket.

21、I lay awake for much of the night.

22、One rainy day, King Robert lay in an old house.

23、In the armchair lay a cat, half asleep.

24、He lay on a sofa, reading a book.

25、Lay: A mechanical device on a sheet fed printing machine that causes all sheets fed up to it to be printed with a uniform margin and in register. There are "front lay "and "side lay". Also called Guide.

26、There are breeding queens, workers and soldiers among the ants. Dogs don't lay eggs, but chickens lay eggs. If they don't lay eggs, the hens will choke to death.

27、ANSYS software is used to make a substantial pattern of hollow concrete slab lay. Solution is put forward to solve the damage to the lay by mechanical analyzing of the damage style to the surface lay.

28、the felled boxer lay stretched on the canvas; felled trees covered the hillside; the downed oxen lay panting in the heat; a downed deer.

29、Stone said I'm the best kisser to ever lay lips on it. How about you let me lay my lips on you?

30、The key to the Greek world lay in its high-powered ships; the key to Roman power lay in its marching legions.