1、His efforts were unsuccessful.

2、Their legal challenge was unsuccessful.

3、(informal) someone who is unsuccessful.

4、The update from Manager1 is unsuccessful.

5、 He was discouraged by the unsuccessful attempt.

6、The unsuccessful candidate demanded a re-count.

7、Any unsuccessful test needs to be rerun.

8、His first sortie into politics was unsuccessful.

9、Such a discipline makes unsuccessful people grow and thrive.

10、My early attempts at learning to drive were unsuccessful.

11、The couple made an unsuccessful attempt at a compromise.

12、She made several unsuccessful attempts to see him.

13、He made an unsuccessful run for governor in 2005.

14、He may be unsuccessful in a worldly sense; but from my present point of view I do not much care whether he is unsuccessful in that sense.

15、His first sortie into (ie attempt to enter) politics was unsuccessful.

16、The attack was unsuccessful and served only to alert the enemy.

17、Can we find a suggested action to resolve the unsuccessful execution?

18、He came home tired and morose after a long and unsuccessful day's work.

19、The operation was unsuccessful and he died on 30 April, 1883 at the age of 51.

20、This is because of its massiveness in size and the numerous unsuccessful attempts made on it by various expeditions, including many American expeditions, who have made quite a few unsuccessful attempts.

21、"Where are you going, daughter?" he asked, with a rather unsuccessful attempt to conceal his fear, distress, and "smoldering anger.

22、Please ensure that your incoming mail is receipted during the Spring Festival period to avoid unsuccessful delivery.

23、I have reserved for the conclusion of my "Annabel" phase the account of our unsuccessful first tryst.

24、Unfortunately, the experimental results show that it is still unsuccessful to make a filament with a beard.

25、He has been unsuccessful in his attempt to win a seat on the board of the company.

26、Following an unsuccessful bid for a seat in the U. S. House of Representatives in 2000, he ran for United States Senate in 2004.

27、Successful people use the road markers of victory to show us how to move forward, while unsuccessful people use tragic results to remind us how to stop.

28、For your protection, this feature has been temporarily disabled because too many unsuccessful attempts have been made to change your password.

29、How much applause you win, how much slander you can withstand. History will not remember the gossip of the unsuccessful, but my glory and works.

30、In the nineteenth century, scientists made a number of important, but unsuccessful attempts to calculate Earth's age from the record of various natural processes.