1、the ordeal of Being shipwrecked

2、He spoke frankly about the ordeal.

3、His determination carried him through the ordeal.

4、This was indeed ordeal by fire.

5、The hostages emerged from their ordeal unscathed.

6、His family's ordeal is common here.

7、"It was a great ordeal for Mrs. West, but an even greater ordeal had been publicity."

8、To subject to a severe trial or ordeal.

9、Only one of them survived the ordeal of CANNIBAL.

10、I'd hate to go through such a terrible ordeal again.

11、Now the kids were stuck in an ordeal.

12、I expect it to be quite an ordeal.

13、Fire officials say he was conscious and talking during the ordeal.

14、One daughter heard our ordeal over my wife's cell phone, which she had inadvertently left on.

15、I can't even begin to imagine the horror of their ordeal.

16、What of the supreme measureless ordeal in which WE WEre again irrevocably plunged?

17、Photography was once an expensive, laborious ordeal reserved for life's greatest milestones.

18、Only through encountering and conquering defeats can we gain longer and greater satisfaction, which enables us to face another ordeal.

19、When the bailiff entered the courtroom, he sensed the nervousness of the traffic offenders awaiting their ordeal.

20、While extroverts will feel less fear before the ordeal, it does not mean they will necessarily do it better.

21、This cumulative testing is seen as part of current work, a cross-check and not a ritual ordeal.

22、They relay their 69-day ordeal with the pragmatism of men who have proved their mettle to the entire world.

23、After telling several friends about our ordeal, probably the most frequent advice I've heard in response is to change my name.

24、We have come triumphantly through the ordeal of the last three years, why can't we overcome these few difficulties of today?

25、I hereby use this opportunity to apologise to anyone who has been affected by this strange, strange ordeal, " he said in a short video statement.

26、The request was rejected by Hainan High People's Court in 1999, beginning Chen's 16-year appeal ordeal, the Xinhua News Agency reported.

27、The ordeal of wheelchair - bound Johnny Hudgins, a retired comic, mime and tap dancer, came to light after police arrested David Hill, 22, ....

28、A woman in the us who survived a five year battle with flesh-eating bacteria, undergoing dozens of operations, including an unusual bowel transplant, has given an interview about her ordeal.

29、Greek soldier and writer.A disciple of Socrates, he joined Cyrus the Younger in an attack on Persia.After the death of Cyrus, Xenophon led the Greek troops to the Black Sea, an ordeal he recounted in Anabasis.

30、Whoever had set this macabre ordeal in motion, it seemed, had called it off once the cops had appeared—and had probably been watching them every step of the way.