1、elevator capture

2、neutron capture gammas

3、electron-capture ionization detector

4、capture gamma-ray spectrometry

5、neutron capture reaction

6、"Error: Audio data was lost during capture; reduce capture rate.

7、View the capture filter used to capture this file

8、neutron-capture gamma-ray spectroscopy

9、capture the essence of Spring; capture an idea.

10、neutron-capture gamma-ray logging

11、To gain possession of;capture.

12、capture and kill a tiger

13、non-radioactive electron capture detector

14、to capture; to storm; to reduce

15、Using aggregates to capture numerical data.

16、Rerun the application, and capture its SQL.

17、You can capture the validation rules later.

18、Why capture screens, Windows, and dialogs?

19、The capture-helper trick depends on several things: type inference and capture conversion.

20、We can capture a butterfly, at night can capture a firefly!

21、Not only will you capture their attention, you'll also capture that dashing air of adventure!

22、The API provides functions to create and end a transaction capture session and to initiate and end capture on a given table for a given capture session.

23、Choose the capture control server alias, in our case DAISY_DB.

24、The use of tools for Windows VFW video capture, compression.

25、The intercropping advantages, in light resource capture and utilization, were to raise PAR capture efficiency rather than its conversion efficiency.

26、DSLs capture idiomatic domain patterns concisely and effectively.

27、No accounting convention can capture his sterling record.

28、The company is out to capture the Canadian market.

29、The evade taxation is to show taxpayer is undesigned not the behavior of capture or imposition of little capture.

30、VFW SDK that used image capture software provided by Microsoft, may realize the capture of video image.