1、segregation phenomenon

2、cattle segregation lairage

3、segregation gas chromatography

4、"Business segregation, economy of scale"

5、segregation unit [unit of prisoners]

6、They refused to sanction segregation.

7、As that of other alloys, the segregation of the cast iron is also divided into macro-segregation and micro-segregation.

8、segregation of sources and utilization of funds

9、We oppose segregation on religious grounds.

10、To abolish or eliminate segregation in.

11、Supervise proper segregation of client money.

12、At that time, apartheid was practised everywhere in the United States: bus segregation, water dispenser segregation, toilet segregation, everything was segregated.

13、Nanoparticle and nanolayer in oxide film and substantial Ge segregation;

14、There is growing recognition that we should abolish segregation.

15、Any form of segregation undermines rather than promotes equality.

16、Saudi Arabia has the world's most stringent gender segregation.

17、The Supreme Court ruled segregation on public transportation illegal.

18、It has been demonstrated that the boron segregation at austenite grain boundaries in quenched steel is a non-equilibrium grain boundary segregation phenomena occurred during cooling.

19、Origins of Cr segregation in the high Cr composite roll and effect of the segregation on the roll peeling off are analysed.

20、The segregation of element Mn was discovered by means of TEM observation and energy spectrum analysis.

21、In hybrids the two chimpanzee chromosomes can be expected to undergo independent segregation.

22、Judging by the information of a suburb, it does cause some effect of segregation.

23、Many school boards found segregation a hot potato in the early 1960s.

24、The media industry in Guangdong Province has transformed into a more differentiated and multi-plicate segregation.

25、The normal test showed that the distribution of pigment gland was a flat curve in segregation population.

26、The city segregation law had understandably aroused a civil right movement that spread from coast to coast.

27、The recombination rate of the target traits was higher in backcross generations than in the other segregation generations.

28、I had grown up abhorring not only segregation but also the oppressive and barbarous ACTS that grew out of it.

29、Metropolitan isolation segregation and black-white disparities in very preterm birth: a test of mediating pathways and variance explained.