1、The family concealed Tom in their shack.

2、The shack seemed almost ready to collapse.

3、 A crude or makeshift dwelling or shelter; a shack.

4、They lived in a shack with a dirt floor.

5、She stepped over to the cook shack and looked in.

6、Inside the shack he leaned the mast against the wall.

7、 The shack was not built by a small man or a small man, but when they came to the river after a long walk, the shack sat there.

8、Harry Herovis, a vagrant, built a small shack in the forest, and 12 years later acquired such a large ownership of land as the shack.

9、Teri is brought to the shack where Kimberly is being held.

10、A simple wooden shack, this cabin - built by Eliyah and his children - is home until tomorrow.

11、They have a stand - a small, slightly elevated shack with slits for Windows.

12、Up the road, in his shack, the old man was sleeping again.

13、I think I'd rather head over to the sugar shack for some maple taffy.

14、He lay beneath an ample-bosomed maple tree near the guest-shack, and joyously felt sleep running through his veins.

15、Within a few days, another poverty-stricken family had moved into her shack, and Jenny was forgotten.

16、I think I'd rather head over to the sugar shack for some maple taffy. Care to join me?

17、a street of bedraggled tenements; a broken-down fence; a ramshackle old pier; a tumble-down shack.

18、I've been turned out of my lodgings to so I'm going shack up with my boyfriend for a while.

19、到了莎士比亚时代,又有一些新词出现。其中包括:dogbolt,drivel,marmoset,skitbrains和shack - rag。

20、A donga is a rudimentary shack, dusted with red dirt but fitted out with flat-screen TVs, sophisticated communications, and creature comforts.

21、Han Xiaoying and Yu Xiaofeng tossed in my head all day, with glasses and brown sleeves, a rattling typewriter voice and the charming Banpo ruins-like shack.

22、A modicum of calm cooled his rage now: How could the boy know that he had hidden the ring in the Gaunt shack?

23、It happened that a big rich man came to build the palace, and it was so lively that he offered 2 million for a vagrant's shack that he was refused. As a result, the palace had to live next to the shack.

24、When they reached the old man's shack the boy took the rolls of line in the basket and the harpoon and gaff and the old man carried the mast with the furled sail on his shoulder.

25、MANY of his fellow senators were born rich and politically connected, but not Harry Reid. His first home was a shack made of wooden railway sleepers, soaked in creosote to keep the termites out.

26、One can indeed listen clearer in every corner of the farm as compared to when one just hangs the radio in the shack. One can also change stations, etc.

27、It was anchored by an old, once-stately mansion that was cut-up into cheap apartments, and was surrounded by a sad assembly of rundown trailers and a couple white-washed shack homes.

28、The beggar bought the garden and built a luxurious house in it, but he kept the broken shack in the back yard and the dead wells, old trees and fences around it.

29、With no title to your shack you have no incentive to improve it, no way to insure it, no collateral with which to secure a loan, no address with which to become an official citizen, let alone to open a bank account: you are locked in poverty.