1、single superphosphate

2、single-channel single fiber cable

3、single-lift single-cylinder jacquard

4、DESIGN: single sample and single factor analysis.

5、single - input and single - output systems

6、Limitations of single Undo

7、No, I'm still single.

8、single sweep polarography

9、Destroy a single Lair.

10、single-blade stroke circular

11、Steel tugboat, single deck, single bottom, single hull, single engine, single oar and rudder, mid-engine, towed by offing ship.

12、Be single And Happy: Learn to appreciate your single status.

13、Single women, like single men, can go where they want.

14、Comet assay detects DNA single-strand breaks of single cell.

15、Not a single taboo? Not a single regulation?

16、vertical straight side single action single point press

17、Consider a single executable design.

18、Temperature sensor using single DS18B20.

19、single-pole-piece magnetic head

20、single closed magnetic circuit relay

21、superconductive single-electron tunnelling effect

22、unmarried life; sex and the single girl; single parenthood; are you married or single?

23、Being single is not terrible. It's terrible that you are single. Others think you are not single.

24、It's not terrible to be single. It's terrible to be single. Others think you are not single.

25、The job cannot be done single-handed.

26、Design: Prospective, single-center-based cohort study.

27、Bookish bachelor seeking single Noetic Scientist?

28、Figure 1 shows a single revision.

29、Decorators aren't limited to a single decoration.

30、A Comparison of Personality Betwwen Single-child and Non-single-child College Students Born In Cities;