1、Difficulties still lurk.

2、Other losses lurk.

3、Who lurk beneath the undergrowth?

4、Dangers lurk in the path of wilderness.

5、Hidden dangers lurk in every family home.

6、Face the light or lurk in darkness.

7、where he doth lurk and plain,

8、a dark forest wherein dangers lurk

9、The terrorists lurk in an apartment in downtown Copenhagen.

10、They lurk about, ready to fling out their routine insults

11、Some worrying signs continue to lurk in the data.

12、Scientists know that cancer may lurk for many years.

13、Yet behind all this self-congratulation lurk more sobering considerations.

14、It is my contention that death and murder always lurk as potentials in violent relationships.

15、We go about our lives unaware that in the depths of space lurk invisible monsters, destroyers.

16、We don't want to celebrate anything too soon. Failure and disappointment lurk around every corner.

17、He believes that lead problems may lurk in other cities, too.

18、At the same time, blood vessels constrict in the nose and throat, where bacteria and viruses often lurk.

19、They have little snub noses, since they lurk in hiding places instead of snuffling after prey for miles like dogs.

20、Hidden behind a locked door can lurk something nasty, something terrifying; an alien presence, even from within.

21、She heard a pleasant voice in every breeze, and in every birds note seemed to lurk a joy.

22、Cookies, however, have a darker side too, and all kinds of privacy issues lurk at every bend.

23、All the majesty was gone, or it did but lurk and flicker faintly through her laughing eyes, like lighting seen through sunlight.

24、Buildings are in various states of disrepair, fires of infernal origin still burn under a perpetually darkened sky, and creatures of the underworld lurk the abandoned streets.

25、As soon as food comes into contact with a work surface, the micro-organisms that lurk everywhere try to proliferate on it.

26、The depth of physical and mental energy, the openness of mind, and the pureness and integrity of intentions all lurk in the old man.

27、They lurk in every pantry: cans of beans bought long ago for a forgotten meal, now dusty and unloved on a back shelf.

28、The reason is that this problem is data-dependent; it'll lurk in the code until it spots just the pattern of data it wants, and then leap out and bite me (I tend to take bugs personally!).

29、The situation today - safe area or not, has unfortunately changed, largely due to media hype about how "kiddie snatchers" lurk on every corner, and how no child is safe anywhere.