1、paradox of prisoner's dilemma

2、The paradox is irresoluble.

3、This presents a paradox.

4、He was a paradox.

5、Life is like a paradox. Life is like a paradox.

6、It is a classic paradox.

7、Call it the futurologist's paradox.

8、There’s another intriguing paradox here.

9、There's clearly a paradox here.

10、Or is this a paradox of faith?

11、Here we have an apparent paradox.

12、The story contains many levels of paradox.

13、This is the fundamental paradox of Christianity.

14、Mr. Jackson built his stardom on paradox.

15、On Paradox --My views on understanding paradox correctly and its essence;

16、Analyses of the Liar’s Paradox--Speculative logic is the source of “paradox”;

17、the paradox that standing is more tiring than walking.

18、The logic of the paradox of toil is simple.

19、This is known as the black hole information paradox.

20、Psychologists refer to this as the paradox of power.

21、The answer to the question is full of paradox.

22、That's the paradox that I really like, the paradox of painting a nighttime scene using so much color and light.

23、The explanation of this paradox has several elements, but the contribution of financial market deregulation is a paradox in itself.

24、For blogs pose the paradox of the internet in its starkest terms.

25、Truly the paradox of the forgotten history is that it contains the most purposeful of lessons!

26、The paradox comes full circle at the end with a sense of retribution.

27、However, most people begin to hesitate in this kind of situation (Fredkin's paradox).

28、The paradox is that most help for internet addicts is only available online.

29、The paradox is resolved because unlearning (or “extinction”, in neurological parlance) is a process similar in its details to learning.

30、Cultural development always characterizes itself by a self-paradox, and the culture of our times in particular shows this paradox between a thirst for cultural advance and a destined conservatism.