1、Your kind attention will oblige.

2、Can you oblige me with an umbrella?

3、Please oblige me with your valuable comments.

4、I'm sorry I can't oblige you.

5、Noblesse oblige.位高责任重。

6、Circumstances oblige me to do that.

7、The law oblige parents to send their children to school.

8、Please oblige me by turning down the radio.

9、They oblige him only to abstain from harming others.

10、Please oblige me with your valuable comments and active discussions!

11、Kindly oblige us by realizing same as advantageously as possible .

12、Newspapers, magazines, TV and the Internet oblige us by constantly reporting the stuff.

13、US securities exchange commission rules oblige companies to make a listing once they passed this threshold.

14、Make haste and get ready, now; and don't oblige me to compel you. '.

15、Will you oblige me, Mr. Archer by first looking through these papers?

16、Maybe some kind soul will oblige his fantasies when the supply plane gets here.

17、Getting a DNT signal does not oblige anyone to stop tracking, although some companies have promised to do so.

18、"Smell the meat," he says, sniffing the decapitated creature, and the people gathered around the table willingly oblige.

19、Instead, we should look for the possible consequences of what geographic languages oblige their speakers to convey.

20、Do you think you could oblige me with that sum for half a month? I think I shall refund the amount as soon as I receive the money from my parents.A speedy answer to this request will extremely oblige

21、Patriotism does not oblige us to acquiesce in the destruction of liberty. Patriotism obliges us to question it, at least.

22、"Now, sir,"said Mr. Pickwick,"will you oblige us by proceeding with what you were going to relate?"

23、The ec Treaty empowers the private economic operator to seek assistance of the courts in order to oblige the Member State not respecting the Treaty obligations.

24、Cascarellian, not gibing a damn about the philosophical issues, but happy to oblige his Emperor, sent Kreiger out to kill the political troublemaker.

25、But discussions are taking place between Nasa and the us Air Force, and it is possible that if Atlantis needs a Monday opportunity, the military will oblige.

26、Nevertheless, it had been decided that the bridal pair should spend at least the first few days of their honeymoon in this place, to oblige the bridegroom.

27、WWF had argued that REACH should oblige industry to find alternatives to hazardous chemicals, even when firms can show that they are being used safely.

28、It is out of the question my going to see her, however: we are eternally divided; and should she really wish to oblige me, let her persuade the villain she has married to leave the country.

29、He was urging Congress to pass a new “pay-as-you-go” (PAYGO) plan that would oblige it to pay for new spending either by raising taxes or by cutting outlays.

30、The new Basel 3 regulations will oblige them progressively to raise their solvency ratio from an average of 4 per cent of total liabilities to 7 per cent.3.