1、That does not signify.

2、What does this signify?

3、What do these marks signify?

4、Do dark clouds signify rain?

5、What does K. G. signify?

6、What a fool says does not signify.

7、It signifies little.= It doesn't signify much.

8、Please signify agreement by raising your hands.

9、You, what does the hip twist signify?

10、signify one's satisfaction (with a nod)

11、Getting into Yale may signify intelligence, talent and ambition.

12、The white is supposed to signify the protection of innocence.

13、These quarrels signify a problem that is more than superficial.

14、mineralized water; red stains that signify mineralized land.

15、"Taking Yenan is no problem" -- what does this signify?

16、Garments signify Christ's deeds and virtues, myrrh and aloes signify the sweetness of His death, and cassia signifies the fragrance and repelling power of Christ's resurrection.

17、Eating is a metaphor that is sometimes used to signify marriage.

18、The withdrawal of the police by Friday evening seemed to signify victory.

19、Shouldn't she have known that strong handshakes in America signify confidence and respect?

20、What does the value of the gradient during NN training signify?

21、"What does it signify," said the cat, "it is no worse than Crumb-stealer, as your god-children are called."

22、The practice of skull elongation - to signify group affiliation or social status - dates back 9, 000 years.

23、An audible and / or visible signal used to signify the existence of some error or abnormal condition in the system.

24、It can signify battle, but Hobbes says it can also signify the will to contend, simply the desire or the will to engage in conflict, "renders something like a state of nature."

25、Seeing yourself as submissive can signify a desire for a loss of control; freedom from responsibility is thrilling!

26、XSLTXT, like SLiP, USES indentation to signify block structure, and USES abbreviations for keywords such as XSL: template.

27、This landslide did not signify a repudiation of the League but rather revealed the confusion and growing popular apathy over that issue.

28、Some critics have suggested that the naked figures of a man and woman surrounded by a choir of angels signify the nations of Europe coming together.

29、耀州窑遗址博物馆的设计构思说明,建筑造型要有个*; 追求个*的过程就是建筑创作艰苦的多方位的探索过程。