1、Technology advancement and accessment of technology advancement contributions;

2、Seeking recognition, distinction, or advancement.

3、You used them only for self-advancement.

4、Research advancement of microRNA on pancreatic carcer

5、Put your efforts into job advancement.

6、The radius represents the advancement index.

7、Technology advancement and products development of urban surveying

8、This certification will aid them in their advancement.

9、Sun Life offers excellent opportunities for personal advancement.

10、Building talents new advancement and upgrading core competition;

11、For example, production workers rated advancement very highly, whereas clerical workers rated advancement in the lower third of their list.

12、Now Mr Kan offers the path to advancement.

13、One who aspires, as to advancement, honors, or a high position.

14、Frankly speaking, civilization means the artificial progression making a tryst with technological advancement and modern science.

15、Overseas assignments are becoming increasingly important to advancement within executive ranks.

16、Shared experience, not just common amusement or advancement, is the ground of friendship.

17、So, that already was a big advancement from where the understanding was at the time.

18、Objective: To detect the treatment effectiveness of adjustable mandibular advancement device (AMAD) on obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS).

19、In fact, after killing the scorpion tiger, Yuyuan was already on the edge of advancement. At this time, the war with the gibbon was a success, which directly contributed to his advancement.

20、A small investment of one's own time in learning and participating in technical community activities pays back in career advancement

21、The advancement of QSAR study for environmental pollutants is introduced, and advantages and disadvantages of every model are discussed.

22、And elaborated the foundation and rational choice evolution advancement of science development view, the course unceasingly will move towards deeply.

23、These advancement prognosticate that MTNP hyperthermia will become an effective clinical therapy method of tumor in future.

24、A manager today typically spends a lifetime in his chosen field, moving from one city to anothr as opportunities for advancement develop.

25、The advancement of oxidative and non-oxidative aromatization of methane over metallic catalysts is reviewed, and the main reaction mechanism is discussed.

26、Inquisitors are Clerics who have vowed their servitude to Elrath and the advancement of the Holy Falcon Empire and its Church.

27、MBA graduates, says Mintzberg, are "glib and quick-witted… not committed to particular industries but to management as a means of personal advancement".

28、The high costs of converting to sound and the early limitations of sound technology were among the factors that suppressed innovations or retarded advancement in these other areas.

29、The advancement of knowledge and science defines one such global arena where men and women can work together to contribute to human freedom in its fullest sense of a better life for all humanity.

30、Article329 Invalidity of Technology-monopolizing and Infringing Contract A technology contract which illegally monopolizes technology, impairs technological advancement or infringes on the technology of a third person is invalid.