1、But keen as mustard!

2、Having keen intellect; insightful.

3、a keen wit, intelligence

4、keen and shared excitement.

5、He's mad keen on planes.

6、exuberant spirits; exhilaration; keen interest

7、He is keen on angling.

8、I'm keen on classical music.

9、He reformed with keen determination.

10、She was a keen amateur photographer.

11、Mrs. Miller is very keen on art.

12、Most managements are keen to avoid strikes.

13、He is a very keen sportsman.

14、Fortune was keen to enumerate our progress.

15、She was at that time a charming young lady of eighteen; infantile in manners, though possessed of keen wit, keen feelings, and a keen temper, too, if irritated.

16、They showed keen interest in the various lathes on exhibition.

17、When I have a talon with a keen edge.

18、Steve was a keen lover of the piano.

19、PPR will be keen to avoid a downgrade.

20、I have a talon with a keen edge.

21、They always find a new angle, a different part to be keen on especially this class. I think they are really keen on it.

22、Mr Yanukovich has been equally keen to demarcate the boundaries of Ukraine's business interests.

23、At 51 years old Mr. Ferrier is a keen ice hockey player.

24、But Yahoo! Was not keen to join the effort to become an advertising counterweight to Google.

25、The competition is very keen and all the contestants have an ace up their sleeve.

26、NATURE abhors a vacuum; physicists are none too keen on it either.

27、He said: "Tony Blair was keen to fight alongside the Americans, he should be equally keen in giving out the same amount of death benefits to relatives of British troops killed."

28、I am particularly keen on introducing air services between our respective second cities of Chiang Mai and Chittagong.

29、No wonder companies are keen to appeal to ethically minded consumers, whether on labour standards or green credentials.