1、occupational guidance

2、occupational instruction

3、occupational dermatitis

4、occupational brucellosis

5、occupational noise deaf

6、MOS [military occupational specialty]

7、occupational forest-spring encephalitis

8、Intervention of occupational stress in different occupational groups;

9、occupational safety and health act

10、occupational composition of employed population

11、private sector occupational retirement scheme

12、horizontal and vertical occupational mobility

13、occupational safety and health regulations

14、To conduct occupational health management works including but not limited to Occupational health examination , workplace occupational hazardous agents monitoring.

15、The Registrar of Occupational Retirement Schemes regulates voluntarily established occupational retirement schemes under the Occupational Retirement Schemes Ordinance.

16、On occupational guidance courses for college students;

17、Those at risk of occupational exposure should

18、OSHA = occupational safety and health legistatio

19、Prepare training plan for occupational safety.

20、Influential factors of occupational stress in nurses

21、The Occupational Deafness Compensation Scheme compensates employees suffering from occupational noise-induced deafness.

22、Occupational health examination plays an important role in occupational diseases control and prevention.

23、Analysis on the occupational health cost in the development of model enterprises on occupational health

24、Results The main occupational risk factors were dust and noise.

25、Unemployment has surged in every major occupational category.

26、There is some mobility among jobs in this occupational group.

27、The "field" of occupational safety and health is truly multidisciplinary.

28、The intensity or concentration of the occupational-disease-inductive substances does not meet the national standard of occupational health;

29、Most of the exposure risks for occupational cancer are preventable.

30、Analyse the differences in occupational hazards and the knowledge, attitudes, behaviour of occupational protection among nurses with different attributes.