1、A light folding stool.

2、a wooden bench or stool

3、perch on a high stool

4、I returned to my stool.

5、Claim compensation from the stool suppliers.

6、take a chair, seat, stool, etc

7、He pushed the stool under the table.

8、Doctor's stool softener this will be helpful.

9、rosewood hexagonal stool with brown stone top

10、Yesterday morning, I passed some blackish green stool. And during the night, I passed black stool.

11、What does your stool look like? Is there any bloody stool?

12、Raine released him and walked back to his stool.

13、He perched on a stool at the bar.

14、Two guys are sitting on a bar stool.

15、The large intestine must be completely free of stool.

16、The square stool is in disorder and unstable

17、Another stubborn stool is Erlong stool, that is, to tie the prisoner's legs tightly to a stool, and then pad bricks under his feet, knee joint twisting to the opposite side, the pain is unbearable to anyone.

18、Bile acids also are natural laxatives that promote bowel movements by softening stool and speeding up how fast stool moves through the colon.

19、Simple design, barrel stool + soft cushions, with hand hole, light but not simple, but cute elegance, is home-very useful working benches, stools, makeup for shoes stool!

20、In addition, stool softener, more expansive agent widely used in pregnant women.

21、One man sits on a collapsible stool, another makes do with a folded sheet of newspaper.

22、After positioning her comfy stool, she started to make a circular cut in the ice.

23、In the weeks that followed, that stool became my favorite item in the playroom.

24、He was on his stool in a jiffy, driving away with his pen

25、Diarrhea is not a disease but a symptom. It is commonly used to denote an increase in stool frequency or volume and an increase in the looseness of stool.

26、With a laugh, Chueh-hui shifted the branches to the stool on his right. Pointing to the stool on his left, he said to Ming-f eng, "Sit over here. Why are you afraid to be close to me?"

27、Large square stool beside a Butterfly Kite bamboo bone, no paste on the paper, the stool is a pair of eyes with wind wheel, is decorated with red paper, will be finished.

28、If you want to wash the dishes for a long time, you may as well prepare a small stool, one foot on the stool in turn, help to disperse the pressure on the back and waist.

29、The commonly used stool occult blood tests rely on chemical color conversions to detect microscopic amounts of blood.

30、When sitting on stools or chairs, all four feet of stool or chairs must be on the floor.