1、 A night owl.

2、An owl hooted nearby.

3、He is a night owl.

4、The owl from the steeple sing,

5、He heard the cry of an owl.

6、 Clara has always been a night owl.

7、Ninox novaeseelandiae undulata [Norfolk Island boobook owl]

8、She possesses over 18, 000 owl items.

9、Yes, I am a night owl./ No, I am not a night owl.

10、Yes, I am a night owl. / No, I am not a night owl.

11、The long-eared owl is found only in North Americal; the short-eared owl is ubiquitous.

12、small North American owl having hornlike tufts of feathers.

13、She was dead silent like an owl and very fast.

14、An owl was hooting somewhere in the fields.

15、Big eyes, trees, and mice. Originally, it was an owl.

16、Brown Cow with an owl, a howl, and a growl.

17、For example, using an owl icon to signify a wise thing in the UI won't work in some Asian countries, as an owl sometimes symbolizes stupidity.

18、From a very large owl, in a hollow tree; a sort of learned owl, that continually knocked its head against the branches.

19、Follow the sound of the owl hoot in your right ear and you'll discover an owl staring at you from his perch in a tree.

20、An owl 22 swoops from the ridge top, noiseless but bright as flame.


22、A tagged northern spotted owl swoops toward a researcher's lure in a young redwood forest.

23、When in human form, his head resembles that of a large owl with canine teeth.

24、I do not think that quail like than penguin-long animal owl.

25、Not to mention the battle-hardened old owl captured voles exceptionally high strength and skill, and even the little owl flew just left overnight can kill three, four voles.

26、It should be written upon Virgin Parchment, with the pen of the swallow and the blood of the screech-owl.

27、使用文件后缀名. owl保存protege项目,如loanorigination . owl (ProtegeVersion 3.2Build 236不能存储包含空格的文件名)。

28、In our culture, the bird owl is a symbol of misfortune but in other cultures it represents intelligence and wisdom.

29、James had reappeared; he had divested himself of his trunk, owl, and trolley, and was evidently bursting with news.

30、So off through the small, narrow cobblestone streets of Macau he walked, carrying an owl perched on his wrist.