1、The boy can't spell.

2、The hot spell broke.

3、Please spell the word.

4、nocturnal laughing spell

5、Arcane Missiles": This spell is now affected by" Spell Haste".

6、a dry spell, climate, country

7、The forecast is for cold spell (dry spell).

8、The dry spell is over.

9、a spell of warm weather

10、The child cannot spell well.

11、Hoe do you spell it?

12、This spell summons a handful of Lictors.

13、I completely fell under her spell.

14、These changes spell ruin for the company.

15、Get suggested spell corrections and synonym expansions.

16、Can you spell the word "confidence"?

17、Once an epic spell is developed, the caster knows the spell.

18、Spell Checking - background spell checker that highlights mispelled words in comments

19、You can invoke the spell checker directly by using spell: followed by your keyword.

20、The dry spell quickly diminished our water supply.

21、Pearled luna, what spell didst thou cast on me?

22、Last year we had a dry spell lasting 130 days.

23、It can use spell trigger items (such as wands and staffs) as if it had the wizard's class spell list.

24、Dictionaries were invented to encourage everybody to spell the same.

25、She hadn't had the time to utter a spell.

26、" Doesn& sup1; t that really only apply to the shield spell, since mage armor is a conjuration spell?

27、Mind Control: Creatures immune to this spell will now cause an immediate error message rather than make it seem like the spell succeeded with no effect.

28、There is only a short staring spell or period of unusual behavior, and only a momentary loss of consciousness, confusion or memory loss following the spell.

29、If you cast it during a Divine shield, it will copy either the spell casted during the Divine shield, or the spell casted after the shield is down.

30、On its next turn, it automatically releases the same spell as a free action, usually targeting the creature that first cast the spell.