1、The attributes are separated by an underscore (_).

2、Merikangas said the results underscore the seriousness of eating disorders.

3、The strong numbers underscore the resilience of Chinese exports.

4、RoR assumes that partials are named with a leading underscore.

5、A word character is any letter, decimal digit, or punctuation connector such as an underscore.

6、The arrow comes in later to underscore the point: Our future looks good!

7、In this convention, the words in the name of a service are separated by an underscore.

8、The fires, often set by pastoralists, underscore a new threat to wildlife: habitat loss.

9、The underscore character has a place in other object names but, not for tables.

10、If the underscore that you want converted to the access key is not the first underscore, use two consecutive underscores for any underscores that precede the one that you want to convert.

11、In this case, the underscore in line 105 was just some easy-to-fix detritus from 10-year-old code.

12、Use uppercase letters for each word and separate each pair of words with an underscore when naming constants.

13、If you absolutely need AlphaImageLoader, use the underscore hack _filter as to not penalize your IE7 + users.


15、The name of a variable, its identifier, can be composed of letters, digits, and the underscore character.

16、Japan's failed attempt to spend itself out of recession in the 1990s and the U.S. 's futile stimulus of last year underscore the point.

17、By using the underscore (remember the wildcard character in Scala?), you effectively tell the Scala compiler that all of the members inside BigInteger should be brought into scope.

18、The second set, [A-Za-z0-9_]{2,9}, represents a series of at least two and up to nine of any letter, any digit, and the underscore.

19、Thoughtfulness regarding features and materials will underscore the sites temper and character, and well-adapted, functional facilities will augment the visitors experience.

20、The biased cut of the main house's pitched roof and its protruding corners underscore primary views of the landscape and ocean.

21、He is interested in the spirit of the play, and he is not averse to throwing in an anachronism or two if he thinks it will help underscore a point.

22、The name of the function is print_lyrics. The rules for function names are the same as for variable names: letters, Numbers and underscore are legal, but the first character can't be a number.

23、The shifting precision and reliability of its 10-speed road ensemble, and the fact that it already has DoubleTap handlebar shifters in production underscore the viability of the project.

24、Apple's proposal is that they would be highlighted using an underscore in both the typing window and when read by its intended target, distinguishing an autocorrected word from any other.

25、The mapping is basically one-to-one; except it is necessary to use intermediaries for quantification and alternation of nested tags (intermediary names are marked by a leading underscore).

26、If you are filtering on a text field, for the equals and not equal to operators, you can use wildcard characters. Use the percent character (%) to represent a string of mutliple characters, or the underscore character (_) to represent any single character.