1、Oh, niche, I see niche.

2、I lost some niche customers.

3、A niche for a statue.

4、commenting on other blogs in your niche

5、Finding a niche requires marketing research.

6、She's also determined not to be niche.

7、He found a niche for himself.

8、Target the niche that you're after.

9、The niche proportional similarity and niche overlap index reflect the niche characteristics of the evergreen broad leaved shelter in subtropical forest.

10、But is it enough to identify the niche market?

11、Holiday in the Antarctic is a niche market.

12、In a niche market, this was an effective strategy.

13、I don't want to make a niche product.

14、Traditional mass media will evolve to niche media.

15、The X-ray signs were deformity of gastric outline, linear niche and radiating mucosal folds concentrated at the niche.

16、Not far away is another wooden bridge, niche bridge, because there is a niche named, Ququ, also ancient.

17、The indexes which can measure niche breadth are selected and the niche of the cities under the jurisdiction of Henan Province is calculated and analyzed based on the model of the niche breadth.

18、Both Saab and Hummer were really niche brands, and GM clearly has more expertise in managing volume brands than managing niche brands.

19、The growing appeal and benefits of this niche market is significant.

20、You need only develop a niche market, and ecological agriculture can be supported.

21、Never build, create, or try to sell anything until you find an existing niche market first.

22、I tell them that the secret is finding a niche market.

23、The blue line represents income from those products in the low volume niche market category.

24、The height niche breadth and the height niche overlap of main tree species in gaps and non-gaps in the mid-subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest in Wanmulin Nature Reserve were studied.

25、I had granted Hanna a small niche, certainly an important niche, one from which I gained something and for which I did something, but not a place in my life.

26、Software vendors also responded with a plethora of CM solutions, most with a niche in a single platform.

27、Effects of irradiation on the osteogenesis potential of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells and the hematologic stem cells niche

28、After the islands separated, the isolated lizard populations would have become distinct species while also retaining their ancestors' niche adaptations.

29、The Four c's model is more consumer-oriented and fits better in the movement from mass marketing to niche marketing.

30、It just seemed natural to me that there was a niche demand for exceptionally fresh and well-made seasonings.